About equal opportunities and accessibility, with Tudor Paul Scripor

March 15, 2021

Today on BT Talks, the podcast of Transilvania Bank, we welcome Tudor Scripor, the creator of the alphabet that bears his name – specifically, a tactile coding system that allows visually impaired individuals to read, write, and effectively recognize colors. Alongside our host, Andi Moisescu, we discuss equal opportunities, compassion, and perseverance.

As an expert in art, restoration, and icon painting, Tudor spent 7 years searching for a way to make the blind “feel” colors. His project was awarded the gold medal and Special Prize at the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations in Geneva, distinctions bestowed by the President of the European Inventors Association.

This month, you can support the Scripor Alphabet project through a donation on our website or directly via BT Pay to the Scripor Alphabet Association, and BT will double all donations.

Put on your headphones and hit play. Today, you’ll discover a few things you may not have known.

Here are some highlights worth listening to:

The tactile alphabet of colors is a tactile representation of colors. This system allows blind, visually impaired, and achromatic individuals to write, read, and efficiently differentiate colors, offering them the chance to live “fully” in a colorful and visual world. Over 100,000 visually impaired individuals live in Romania, with approximately 3,000 being children. The main benefit of the Scripor Alphabet is to bring equal opportunities and social inclusion to visually impaired individuals. Over 90% of the blind population are individuals who initially had sight but lost it due to various diseases. The starting point for developing the Scripor Alphabet was a study conducted in 2014, which revealed that individuals born blind cannot identify colors but can understand the concepts associated with them. They dream in colors but don’t know how to represent or explain them. The Scripor Alphabet identifies 10 colors, with the core group consisting of red, yellow, blue, orange, green, violet, brown, gray, white, and black. These colors are represented universally by a single symbol close to the language of the blind. Shownotes:

  • 01:42 What is the tactile alphabet of colors?
  • 04:53 Motivation
  • 09:44 The starting point in creating the alphabet
  • 15:52 The algorithm behind it
  • 33:37 Applicability of the alphabet