Natalia Intotero: law for accesibility

March 23, 2021

I have submitted a Draft Law to Parliament aimed at reducing inequalities and social exclusion of people with disabilities.

Currently, individuals with disabilities in Romania still cannot fully enjoy all the rights provided by European legislation (Directive 882/2019), even though our country has innovators in this field.

We have examples like Tudor Scripor, who invented the alphabet of colors for the visually impaired and was awarded the gold medal at the International Inventions Exhibition in Geneva.

I have submitted a Draft Law to Parliament that brings amendments and additions to Law 448/2006, with the aim of reducing inequality and social exclusion of people with disabilities.

The amendments establish the obligation of public authorities to ensure access for people with disabilities to the physical, informational, and communicational environment. It also creates a legal framework for the inclusion of new inventions, such as the tactile alphabet, in special education.